Ilze Paklone believes that recognition comes to those who bravely act upon the opportunities presented by life, and her devotion to this statement is embodied by her own life. After graduating the Riga Technical University with a Doctor of Architecture degree, Ilze was offered the chance to go to Japan to conduct her Ph.D. at The University of Tokyo. She moved to Japan and not only continued her research, but also focused on drawing attention to Latvian architecture.
In 2016 as the guest editor of the “a+u” Japanese architecture magazine, Ilze released the special edition No. 555 titled “Feature: Latvia – Architecture Unfolding”. She was also the co-author of the exhibition “Latvia. Architecture and Convergence”. These efforts eventually resulted in a Japanese delegation visiting Latvia to experience it first-hand.
Having co-founded Studio Wasabi, Ilze is now back and working on the next generation appearance of Riga.